Asthma ::
Allergy ::
Bronchiectasis ::
Cystic Fibrosis ::
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)
Respiratory Infections ::
Sleep Disorders ::
Lung Cancer
Bronchiectasis is a relatively rare condition that affects the Lungs. In
this disorder the bronchial tubes become enlarged and distended forming
pockets where infection may gather. The walls themselves are damaged which
results in impairment to the lung's complex cleaning system. The tiny hairs,
called cilia - which line the bronchial tubes and sweep them free of dust,
germs and excess mucus - are destroyed. When this cleaning system is not
working effectively dust, mucus, bacteria accumulate and there is Infection
of the lungs develops.
Bronchiectasis can be congenital (inborn) or acquired.
Congenital bronchiectasis is a rare condition in which the lung periphery
fails to develop, resulting in cystic dilation of developed bronchi.
Acquired bronchiectasis results from
(1) direct bronchial wall destruction--due to infection, inhalation of
noxious chemicals, immunologic reactions, or vascular abnormalities that
interfere with bronchial nutrition-or
(2) mechanical alterations--due to lung collapse or loss of parenchymal
volume with increased traction on the walls of airways, leading to bronchial
dilation and secondary infection.
Click on the below links to find out more about Bronchiectasis
based movie (Coming soon)
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis CF is a genetic disorder that affects the respiratory &
digestive systems.
When a person has CF, their mucous glands secrete very thick sticky mucus.
The mucus clogs the tiny air passages in the lungs and traps bacteria.
Repeated infections and blockages can cause irreversible lung damage and
a shortened life. The pancreas is also affected, this prevents the release
of enzymes which are needed to digest food. This means that people with
CF can have problems with nutrition.
As yet, there is no known cure for CF, but there is real hope.
Click on the below links to find out more about Cystic Fibrosis.
based movie (Coming soon)
Links (Coming soon)
(Coming Soon)
fibrosis research (Coming soon)
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) is a general term that includes a
variety of chronic lung disorders. ILD may be Chronic, Malignant or
ILD may also be called
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis.
When a person has ILD, the lung is affected
in three ways. First, the lung tissue is damaged in some known or unknown
way. Second, the walls of the air sacs in the lung become inflamed. Finally,
scarring (or fibrosis) begins in the interstitium (or tissue between the
air sacs), and the lung becomes stiff.
Breathlessness during exercise can be one of the first symptoms of these
diseases. A dry cough also may be present. These are common symptoms that
many people ignore. Someone with these symptoms may wait until they feel
quite ill before going to the doctor.
Coming soon are the following about Interstitial lung disease
based movie

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